IT Project Management

Lisa Schneider, IT Project Management

At foodwatch, Lisa Schneider plans, coordinates and implements IT projects since December 2022. She loves getting to the bottom of things and immersing herself in data and systems processes. In doing so, she uncovers potential for work-saving solutions and expands the digital basis for an efficient organization.

Lisa Schneider studied sociology, psychology and media studies. She is concerned with the question of what enables us humans in groups and our respective roles to achieve common goals together. In the private sector, she implemented projects to optimize sales processes. Later, when a career change brought her to the IT sector, she took over the management of technical projects.

However, her wish to dedicate her experience and energy to sustainable activities grew stronger and stronger. So Lisa Schneider decided to take a career break and worked as a volunteer in organic farming for a few months before joining foodwatch. She sees nutrition as a powerful lever in the fight against climate change and for healthy ecosystems. The foundation for this is created by foodwatch, where she advocates for a transparent, fair and sustainable food industry.