foodwatch reaches 15,000 – 80 per cent increase in three years
- About foodwatch
In May 2009 membership of the consumer rights organisation foodwatch reached a record 15,000 supporting members. In early 2006, more than three years after its founding, foodwatch had roughly 8,300 supporting members – which means that, over the past three years, the organisation has succeeded in growing by more than 80 per cent.
In the food market, fighting for consumer rights means, above all, a tough battle with the industry lobby. More and more people have begun to realise that standing up to the industry requires a strong consumer lobby. foodwatch wants to keep growing to ensure that consumer interests will be represented in the making and implementation of government policy. Because the more of us there are – and the stronger our financial footing – the more we can accomplish and the more effectively we can counter the influence of the industry lobby.