Press Release 27.06.2023

foodwatch welcomes ENVI decision on nitrites and nitrates additives

Today, the ENVI committee supported the objection tabled by Michele Rivasi MEP to the proposal of the Commission and Member States to simply reduce the amount of added nitrates and nitrites in food. foodwatch welcomes the decision. The consumer organisation has been campaigning in France for zero tolerance of added nitrates and nitrites in food. Together with the Yuka app and La Ligue contre le cancer, foodwatch has gathered over half a million signatures, demanding a ban on the controversial additives. 

Camille Dorioz of foodwatch France comments:

“The decision today is a step in the right direction. Simply reducing the added nitrites and nitrates is entirely insufficient. At foodwatch, we will repeat it as many times as necessary: the only "safe" quantity for these additives E249, E250, E251, E252 recognized as potentially carcinogenic in processed meats is ZERO. A complete ban of added nitrites and nitrates at EU level is the best way to ensure safety for all EU citizens. The Environment committee took the first step today, but the objection will need a majority in the plenary in July – we are looking to the MEPs to step up and prioritise public health.”
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